As I attempt to reflect on 2010 it was an ok year... I started to make some major decisions to start the "rest" of my life and ...
Some Bad/Hard Things:
- The ACT and learning how to conquer the EVIL EVIL People at The College Board! (still awaiting the results from my last test)
- My First Car Accident... (Not My Fault, Thank GOD!)
- Learning of Money management (good thing) and the fees that go with not keeping track of my money *Rolls Eyes*
- Learning how to drive the truck (stick shift)
Some Good Things:
- Getting To Volunteer at the many places I do :)
- Learning to shut my big trap... *Snort* *Hears a bunch of YA RIGHTS from readers*
- Trying and sometimes being successful at having a positive attitude.
- Meeting all of the awesome people I met this year. (Including the teachers at the Learning center I went to!)
- Getting Ready to go to College and Finding the perfect job for me in the Air Force Reserves!
- Finding how to pay for College!
- Receiving the "Fallen Officer" Scholarship Through The County Police (Also Where my dad is an LT!) Its also was an honor.
- Grow Closer to God and work to heal the wounds that are still open
- Loose some of that excess weight and attend "Basic Training" workouts that I paid for :)
- Survive till Graduation
- Graduate
- Go in to the AF Reserves
- Do well at Basic (AFBMT) and Do well in my career.
- Go To Nursing School (or take the pre reqs. for it)
- Have fun! Enjoy life!
Drop me a line>>>>> gliderpilot92@ att DOT net Or Post!
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